ACME 1: What you need to know

Here is a brief summary of what ACME is.

ACME is a universal auto-loader for both the BricsCAD and AutoCAD platform. After reading this introduction it is easier to search for and understand specific information via the table of contents – or simply read on…

One code base for both BricsCAD and AutoCAD

The process is simple: create configuration files with instructions for each application. These instructions include loading menus, setting search paths, and loading Lisp for drawings.

During the start of the CAD program, ACME first collects all tasks of all applications, plugins, and executes them in one go, per group.

The consequences at a glance:

  • Starting the program and opening drawings is faster.
  • Writing Lisp code for setting search paths, loading menus, etc. is no longer necessary.
  • It is the best solution for larger organizations to manage installations.

ACME itself is an “application plug-in” for AutoCAD. For BricsCAD it is linked to on_doc_load.lsp. From that point on, all code is identical. The consequences are important:

  • Lisp applications almost always run without modifications on both AutoCAD and BricsCAD.
  • ACME completely bypasses the Autodesk plug-in model. As a result, valuable older Lisp programs suddenly function again in newer AutoCAD versions.
  • BricsCAD and AutoCAD can be used side by side. If a solution runs on AutoCAD with ACME, then you are almost certain that it is also running on BricsCAD, which makes migrating to BricsCAD very easy.
  • All in all, ACME saves a lot of time and costs.

This is roughly the primary functionality of ACME.

Smart functionality for small and big

In addition to this, there is extra functionality:

  • Localization: ACME contains a translation module with which Lisp programs can easily support multiple languages.
  • Autoloading: It is nothing more than copying a Lisp file to the LispPool directory in order to automatically load new and older programs into drawings.
  • Corporate use: Many things can be customized, such as setting a main switch with an environment variable, optimizing search paths and expanding environment variables.
  • Evolved from practice: ACME is an excellent solution, written from the needs of larger organizations in close consultation with CAD managers and CAD users. And it also works fine for smaller organizations.
  • Standardization: ACME is also a way to implement business standardization without compromising user needs.
  • Security: Well-structured management of code is a means to reduce security risks.
ACME 1: What you need to know
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