The Linux BricsCAD pages #2

Table of Contents

Part 2: Linux base install

So Xubuntu it is. Ready to install?


All related parts: 1: Introduction 2: Linux base install 3: More user software 4: Tuning Linux 5: Tuning your software 6: Getting BricsCAD working 7: Publishing your drawings


You need partitions, free disk space. Assumed is an empty, new system. In case of existing operating systems, consider a back-up before creating a place for Linux and installing it.


Download an iso file from


  • Start up and usually call F12 / F11 for a BIOS startup menu when starting a computer. Some old computers have difficulty installing from USB, then bake a DVD first. Conversely, UEFI can be annoying, dive into the BIOS (F2 or Del) and make sure you can start without UEFI. General: installation is straightforward, follow all instructions and everything is (usually) good. It is to consider arranging some things differently …
  • Selecting other partitions can be useful. /boot is too small by default, often causes unexpected problems with flooding. The question is whether LVM makes sense for a workstation. Swap-file is not really necessary if you have enough RAM, but the kernel likes it when it’s there. The pluses outweigh the minuses, for a system that is reinstalled after a limited number of years – we are talking about a workstation here. In summary: KISS! So new partition table and one ext4 partition with mount-point “/” and a swap partition that is about as large as the amount of RAM.
  • Just follow the installation steps and you can’t go wrong.
  • Also do all updates when finished.


Continue with part 3: More user software

The Linux BricsCAD pages #2

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